4 Ways To Stay Safe at a Shooting Range Near Me

The first thing you normally think of when you hear the phrase “shooting range near me” is a place where you can go to shoot guns. However, it's important to look with a wider lens. You are going to be in close proximity to others, who may or may not be as familiar with firearms as you. This means that safety should be at the forefront of your mind at all times when you are at a shooting range near me. Whether you're new to shooting or are a seasoned professional looking for tips on how to be safe, here are four things you should do at every shooting range near me . Know and understand the rules. The first thing is to know and understand the rules of the shooting range near me . There will usually be a list of rules posted in a place that's easy to see. If there isn't, ask the staff member who checks your ID what they are before you start shooting. You don't want to get into trouble because you didn't know how far away from other people or objects you ne...